
on base

how based are we today?

Total Transactions

completed in the last day

+428.4% from 1 year ago

Avg Transaction Fees

users paid per transaction

-80.4% from 1 year ago

Active Users

interacting in the last day

+2143.0% from 1 year ago

Total Value Locked

in smart contracts

+336.3% from 1 year ago

Total Transactions

number of completed transactions

USDC Transfer Volume

amount of USDC transferred onchain

USDC Active Users

number of unique wallets that have transferred USDC

DEX Trading Volumes

volume traded on decentralized exchanges

Real Users vs Sybil (Bots) Activity

number of onchain wallets identified as human users vs bot-like behavior

New Users vs Returning Users

number of existing and new active unique onchain wallets

Contracts Deployed and Wallets Deploying

number of unique contracts deployed and wallets deploying contracts